Careers pages in Kirklees
Kirklees Council is responsible for providing a wide range of services to the public across the district.
Checking out vacancies? Thinking about joining Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS? Watch the short film below where Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS's Chief Executive, Owen, explains how you can be anything you want to be at CHFT (Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust)
In2Care Kirklees is a dedicated page for adult social care jobs and volunteering opportunities in the Kirklees area.
Check out their Facebook page.
Healthcare courses in Kirklees
Kirklees College has a Career Coach which is designed to help you find a good career by providing the most recent local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated education and training.
They offer a range of courses in healthcare.
The University of Huddersfield offers up to 40 different healthcare related courses, which can be full-time, part-time, undergrauate and post-graduate courses. These range from Midwifery, Optometry and Psychology, to Health and Social Care, Podiatry and Physiotherapy.
Go Higher West Yorkshire is a consortium of HE providers in our local area, working together to ensure that higher education in all its forms is open to all who can benefit, regardless of background. The core aim of the partnership is to connect partners to improve access to, success in and progression from higher education, for those from under-represented groups.