Skills for care
Skills for Care's Recruitment and retention: secrets of success
All adult social care employers want to attract, recruit and retain the right staff to support them to deliver high quality, person-centred care.
Workforce development fund
The Workforce Development Fund (WDF) is funding from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) disseminated by Skills for Care. The fund allows you to claim back money towards the costs of workers completing a broad range of adult social care qualifications and learning programmes.
Workforce resources to support community capacity building
Every day is different
Adult Social Care Recruitment Campaign Partner Toolkit
How to use the national recruitment campaign to support your organisation’s recruitment efforts
Skills for Health
Key Elements of the Career Framework
Pre-Employment Best Practice in the Health Sector A Framework for Employers
This document provides a framework and guidance for employers to support the delivery of high quality pre-employment programmes for the health sector and is set within the wider context of widening participation in learning and health.
Sector Employability Toolkit Introduction
Skills for Health in partnership with the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Jobcentre Plus and the Learning and Skills Council, has developed a Sector Employability Toolkit to assist health sector employers to find sustainable solutions to one of their most challenging areas of recruitment.
Capabilities frameworks describe the skills, knowledge and behaviours which people bring to their work and are used to support the development and planning of the workforce and inform the design and delivery of education and training programmes at work.
NHS Employers